PhD Consortium

Doctoral Student Consortium on Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Coordinated by a Scientific Committee Director, Antonio Moreno (University of Navarra), the Doctoral Student Consortium will be held on July 4, 2018, in Santander, one day prior to the Finance Forum. It will include a panel session with outstanding guest scholars discussing the latest advances in research and offering career advice.

Guest Scholars who will participate include:

  • Paseo Menéndez Pelayo 94, Santander, Cantabria

Schedule, July 4th, 2018

11:15Presentation of the 1st PhD Consortium
11:30Speaker 1: Florencio López de Silanes (Aula 2)
12:00Speaker 2: Fernando Zapatero (Aula 2)
12:30Speaker 3: Xavier Freixas (Aula 2)
14:30-17:00Parallel sessions

BANKING (Aula 1)

  • "Cobbler, stick to thy last: the disciplining of business loans in credit unions" Andrés Mesa (Universidad de Navarra)
  • "Regulatory Capital Manipulation" Luciana Orozco (Universidad Carlos III)
  • "Supervisory Stress Tests and Bank Risk-Taking" Sylvia Sadakova (Universidad de Navarra)
  • "Distance Effect in CMBS Loan Pricing" Nagihan Mimiroglu (University of Maastricht)


  • "Internal Capital Markets and the Efficiency of Firms’ Financing? Evidence from the Euro Area"Jorge Mota (Unviersidade de Aveiro)
  • "Should we Fire Young Steve Jobs? How the Different Access to Financial Information affects the way Investors Learn"Josep Gisbert (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
  • "Competition, Board Monitoring and Governance Regulation: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment" Faiza Majid (Universidad Carlos III)
  • "Are deal-by-deal compensation structures biased by portfolio diversification?"Joao Magro (Universidade Nova De Lisboa)


  • "Weather derivatives and their hedging effectiveness in fisheries management", Andrea Martínez Salgueiro (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
  • "Pricing Refurbishment and New Building Construction through Options", Ramón Sánchez (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
  • "The Term Structure of Credit Spreads and Institutional Equity Trading", Efe Coetelioglu (USI Lugano, Swiss Finance Institute)
  • "Factor Investing: a Stock Selection System for the European Equity Market" Ramón Bermejo (ICADE)


  • "Are fragmented markets stable?", Ester Felez Vinas (Stockholm Business School)
  • "Do investors choose trade-size according to liquidity, empirical evidence from the S&P 500 index future market" Xin Yan (Sichuan University)
  • "Breaking the Feedback Loop: Macroprudential Regulation of Banks’ Sovereign Exposures"Jorge Abad (CEMFI)
  • "Conditional risk measures and applications", Javier Ojea (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)